Many burdens that seemed too heavy to carry struck the Brydges Centre Family over the last three months.  The list of needs just kept piling up…

  • The failure of vital solar and water systems on the campus, including the septic system
  • The rescue of 17 children from unthinkable conditions and meeting their emotional, spiritual, educational, and food and housing needs (including new dorm construction)
  • Massive rains and flooding in Kenya that made travel to and from the Brydges Centre from the city impossible for multiple days
  • The fire that destroyed our library, three grade school classrooms, and the head teacher’s office
BUT, Rosemary Wafula our Executive Director has shared a list of MIRACLES… miracles that you are a part of making happen!

MIRACLE NUMBER ONE:  Pain and emptiness is being transformed into safety and smiles. 

All of the children that were rescued and brought to the Centre have been provided love, nourishment, new clothes, new beds in a new dormitory, emotional and spiritual care, and are all are enrolled in school.  It is likely that many, if not all of these children, will be permanent members of the Brydges Centre family, bringing us up to 152 “brothers and sisters.”  The Centre staff have worked tirelessly with the children and the extreme love and generosity of supporters was a key part of making this possible!

MIRACLE NUMBER TWO:  The grade school classrooms have been rebuilt and school is in session! 

In addition to this miracle (for reasons no one knows) the Kenyan government delayed the launch of classes nationally at the exact time our school reconstruction was taking place.  The work was finished with a day to spare and students did not miss even one day of school!  Financial gifts from Brydges Centre friends and donors came rushing in at a rate we have never experienced before and the facilities were reconstructed in record time.  We are working on furnishings and rebuilding the library and people have been lining up to help.

MIRACLE NUMBER THREE:  Many campus facilities and systems issues are resolved! 

“When it rains, it pours” is often recited in tough times.  At the Centre during the Kenyan rains, GENEROSITY poured in even more.  The list of critical facility needs in addition to rebuilding the school included: solar system maintenance and upgrade to run our taxed water system, water tower repairs, a sewer system upgrade to handle new facilities, additional dorm construction, and vehicle maintenance and repairs among other things.  While we were asking for help with the rescue needs and the school rebuild, many donors offered significant financial gifts above and beyond those needs and told us they could be applied to anything the children needed.  Every need listed above has been met and all of the work has been completed!


On a call yesterday with Rosemary about everything that has been accomplished these last four months, she said, “Please tell everyone in the US that we thank God for them everyday!  It takes a team to do this and we are all in this together; praise God for each prayer and each gift you have given!”

YOU are a huge part of the miracle that has takes place for the children of the Brydges Centre and we cannot thank you enough for everything you have done.  

We will share more with you about rebuilding the volumes of books the library needs to be operational and how you can continue to be involved in other ways.  Please keep praying and stay tuned for MORE miracle news!

With Love,

Bob and Nancy, Rosemary, The Board, and the Children